VP Popup 08/04/20 Two Parts Chocolate

Two Parts Chocolate

Playing with math has never been so delicious! Create different treats by changing the ratios!

Tuesday, August 4

Ratios help us understand how amounts are related. It is a way to compare numbers. Let’s watch this video to better understand: youtube.com/watch?v=rgYqXUzopKM.

Ratios are also important in the kitchen when you are cooking! We use them to compare two numbers. For example, if I am making cheese sauce and I want it very cheesy, I might use one-part milk and one-part cheese. There would be the same amount of both ingredients. But, if I needed to share with a lot of people, I might make it thinner. I would make sure my ratio is 2:1—two cups of milk with only one cup of cheese. It would be much thinner and go on a lot more nachos. Ratios help you in the kitchen. We can use them to compare amounts of ingredients.

This activity is for ages 6-10, but anyone can join.

Please make sure you have parent/guardian permission and adult supervision before you begin this activity.


  • Safety Note: This activity requires melting chocolate, so it is important to ask a favorite grown up for help.
  • Chocolate chips
  • Milk and/or heavy cream
  • Measuring cups, spoons, and a bowl

The Challenge:

Step 1: Getting Started

  • Now, let’s take time to taste some ratios! Choose one of the chocolate treats below to create. You will be using almost the same ingredients but changing the ratio. It will make all the difference! You can follow along here: https://youtu.be/b5Loy4PVyM0
Create Melt Stir In Directions Ratio
Hot Chocolate 1 oz. chocolate chips 3 oz. milk Mix until blended and drink. 1:3
Ice Cream Sauce 2 oz. chocolate chips 2 oz. milk Mix until smooth. 1:1
Frosting 4 oz. chocolate chips 2 oz. cream Mix and spread on toast, cake, or fruit. 2:1
Chocolate Truffles 3 oz. chocolate chips 1 oz. cream Mix until smooth and chill in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Form into balls and roll into toppings. 3:1

Step 2: Share Your Creations

  • Share with your family. See if they can guess the ratio of chocolate to cream or milk.

Step 3: Time to Reflect

  • What did you like about this activity?
  • How did playing with chocolate help you understand ratios?
  • What other treats could you make in the kitchen by changing ratios?


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