VP Popup 07/30/20 Make Your Own Instrument

Make Your Own Instrument

 Make your own instrument using household items.

Thursday, July 30

In Tuesday's activity, we worked on pen tapping as a way to play an instrument. What else could you use to make an instrument? You can find inspiration here: youtu.be/qf9WRGD8E-k

This activity is for ages 6-10, but anyone can join.


  • Masking or duct tape
  • Scissors
  • Other supplies will vary by your design

The Challenge:

Step 1: Getting Started

  • While you watched the video above, which of his examples looked like something you would try?
  • Walk around your home and see what you can find that can guide your planning. Do you have a box, rubber bands, plastic container, or straws? Any of those can be a good place to start.

Step 2: Make It!

  • If you want to make a percussion instrument, experiment with different parts of the instrument. A shaker could have rice, beans, beads, or any other small item. A drum could have different sticks for hitting to get a different sound. Could you use a balloon for the top of the drum?
  • If you wanted to make a string instrument, rubber bands may work for the strings. What could you stretch them across? Boxes work well, but what else could you try? Think about a round base—maybe a yogurt cup or other plastic food container?
  • Take time to experiment with whatever you can find and then create some music to share.

Step 3: Time to Reflect

  • What inspired your design for your instrument?
  • What would you change next time?
  • What kind of instrument do you want to build next?
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